Cowboy Church Culture

A cowboy church is designed to attract those folks who are looking for the traditional values found in the western way of life. Many who attend the church have never owned a horse, attended a rodeo, or could explain the difference between a mare and a gelding. What draws us together is a love for the culture of the cowboy church that is demonstrated by the uncompromising friendliness of the church, the hospitality, the love expressed, the mix of styles in the cowboy songs about Jesus—from traditional hymns to contemporary—and always a biblical message that does not condemn (just confronts in love) with hard truth and applies it for living daily with Jesus. Wisdom without application is wasted wisdom.


The vision for East Mountain Cowboy Church was launched in the summer of 2018 by Ron Nolen, founder and Executive Director of Cowboy Up International Ministries. Better known as CUIM, they have a vision to start over 15 Cowboy churches in America over the next 10 years.

A local group of families and individuals came together in the fall of 2018 through the leadership of Ralph and Susan Hill. Ralph’s grandfather homesteaded in the Edgewood valley way back in the day. Who better to start the charge for a cowboy church than Ralph and Susan Hill. The fall of 2018 East Mountain Cowboy Church begin to recruit a team of individuals that served as the founding core group. David and Marcella Crosby were a part of that group, David soon became the executive pastor to lead the core group through the planning and launch of East Mountain Cowboy Church. In February Curt Miller joined the team as Senior Pastor, a core group of 17 had been planning and training for a March 3, 2019 launch. What a great day it was on the 3rd of March 2019 when 196 people showed up for the first service!

Silver Bullet Strategy

A church for the unchurched and for all people based upon big prayer and big faith.

No judgment - we all have a story, it’s not our place to judge.

All ministries function through teams instead of committees, and team leaders rotate roles.

Functional Structures - our buildings will be cost effective and functionally support core ministries.

Prayer and faith are built into the DNA of our strategy- there will be no success for our purpose and vision to reach people with the truth of God’s love and forgiveness without BIG prayer and BIG faith. EMCC was started on prayer and faith, and we will continue to exist because of our great faith in God’s purpose and our commitment to seek His direction daily. We believe our future is over and above what can be imagined, and that God will provide EMCC with resources to build a ministry facility that will meet the needs of the community, including a full scale rodeo arena.

East Mountain Cowboy Church’s strategy is very intentional- to reach the un-churched and be a church for all people. The cowboy culture is unique and requires a proven approach to speak to those that live in the western lifestyle. EMCC’s strategy removes the barriers that often prevent folks from attending church. The leadership is driven by Elder Role, which is different than Elder Rule. The pastor is the lead elder, and the remaining elders serve in spiritual and advisory roles to the pastor. Lay pastors are assigned to each team to encourage and be resources for team leaders and members- spiritually and organizationally. Lay pastors also assist the pastor by providing additional ministry opportunities to the church members and attendees.

Location Info

Sunday morning service begins at 10:30AM including Kids’ Cowboy Church (Ages 4 - 12) during the service.

We meet in the Edgewood Middle School located 2 miles north of the I-40 Edgewood exit at 17 Venus Road West, Edgewood N.M. 87015 (map)

Maps to service location and arena

Church isn’t a place, it’s the people IN a place. For the time being, EMCC is meeting in the Edgewood Middle School building.


Curt Miller- Pastor / Lead elder

Ralph Hill - Elder

David Crosby - Elder

Ben Martin - Elder